West Coast South Africa

Route 27 West Coast South Africa

The Saldanha Skull

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The fragmented 'Saldanha' skull cap of an archaic Homo sapiens person was found in 1953 on an exposed surface between shifting sand dunes at Elandsfontein.

The skull cap is estimated to be around 400 000 years old, much older than 'Eve's footprints.

These fossil footprints were excavated from the edge of the Langebaan Lagoon and have been dated
at 117 000 years old.

The Elandsfontein site covers some 300 hectares and contains rich collections of fossil animal bones, including those of the extinct giant horse and giant buffalo, as well as collections of earlier and middle age stone-age tools.

For more information about this incredibly fascinating region of the Cape contact the West Coast Fossil Park.

Better still pay a visit to the Park at Langebaanweg. You will not be disappointed!

Saldanha Skull

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Article received from Gabriel Athiros, Editor, "The Cape Odyssey"

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